debra holzman |
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03/31/2015 07:59 h |
Hi, thanks for great article. I've been trying to find a book from childhood with H.W.Frees photos that are all about Easter and featured rabbits primarily. It was large in size, full color, and I cannot even find mention of it despite my research online. Any ideas?
Karen Martin |
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08/05/2014 09:13 h |
I viewed an article about historical animal photography. So fascinated with his work. Have ordered a wonderful print for a newborn's nursery of my dog groomer.
Thanks for your great site!
amy shenk |
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07/10/2014 13:11 h |
i am i n love with your website, but I am having a hard time finding books,etc.
Pissed! |
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05/19/2014 17:58 h |
What kind of this crappiest website? You supported his work as dressing up on animals for hours? I truly hated what Harry W frees' guts because of his work with animals. He was a horrible man. He was/is and will always be an animal abuser because he dressed up on poor animals and force things with them? What kind of dick is he? I'm glad he is not here otherwise he would be in jail! He's so fucked up! Wake up, people!!!
Rosamund |
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03/29/2014 18:14 h |
This is a wonderful site...great info on a very unique artist. Thanks for the effort!
Garrie Whalen |
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01/14/2014 12:21 h |
Thanks for your great blog on Harry W.Frees-- a very patient artist with uniquely creative talent. Am an American retired overseas in Asia and delighted that these great photo sources will help me with my near future oil (acrylic) paintings of these adorable tiny fellows. Thanks again.
Susan Couch |
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01/13/2014 16:03 h |
Great site, I love it! Thanks so much.
Lily |
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12/06/2013 20:41 h |
Wonderful article about a dearly beloved photographer and author!
Thank you for sharing this.
PS, to find this, I searched "Agamemnon the kitten", which got me to this article with many of his pictures, and the name of the author:
With the author's name, I found your website article, which has much more info about the photographer himself.
Julie Proietto |
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09/08/2013 21:31 h |
Love Harry W. Frees work, it was lovely to look at. Have saved it to my favories. Have cats and a dog, thank you Julie
Stacy |
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08/17/2013 18:45 h |
Thank you so much for all the information you have compiled on Harry Whittier Frees! I appreciate it very much!
Cindy Scott |
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07/12/2013 23:45 h |
I am wondering if Mr. Frees had a series of pictures with kitten in baskets? I remember having pictures on my wall with similar poses and kitties!!
Love these pictures so much!! Thank you for the webite!!
Thomas Joyce |
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04/26/2013 17:53 h |
I was cataloguing a copy of LITTLE FOLKS OF ANIMAL LAND for sale, and wanted to learn more about the obscurd photographer who created these set shots. It is quite sad to learn that he died in solitary poverty. He earned better, and I am pleased that Ms. Bradford has helped to keep his memory green -which is more than his publishers did!
I thought you might appreciate this video which contains a lot of his photos. |
I have several of Harry's books and I'm working on a post for my blog. I found your blog by googling Harry Frees. Very informative. | ||||
Hello - Thank you for your information on Harry Whittier Frees. I am a big fan and there is VERY LITTLE information anywhere. My new album, All the Children Love 4th Sign of the Apocalypse, was just released in Italy and each panel of the CD features one of Harry's photos. I am also the proud owner of The Sandman series of books. If you, or anybody else, would like to correspond about him, I would be more than happy to! Thanks again, Bryin |
I just got my first book by harry whittier frees im fasinated by his work my book is an original printed in 1915 what a treasure i will look for more | ||||
I found your page because I was researching the photographer. On Facebook someone has taken apart a book & framed the pages & sells them to benefit needy kitties. | ||||
Bless you for the information on Mr. Frees. I remembered the books from my younger days. Yesterday I bought, at a garage sale, a copy of the Rand McNally era version of the Little Kittens' Nursery Rhymes, what memories. Today I went to Google for information on the author and found your site, which is wonderful! Many thanks. |
Thanks for the words... a good thing to aknowledge earing... | ||||
I love this website! Harry Frees books were a favorite of mine growing up and still are!! | ||||
As a tiny child, two of Mr. Frees books, "Snuggles" and "Four Little Kittens" were my absolute favorites and had to be read to me every night before bed. I still have both tattered copies! Wonderful to know that this kind genius is still recognized for his work. | ||||
i have abook four little kittens i was researching to sell and came across your wonderful web site. my daughter worked as vet tec for a 4- 500 no kill shelter and i am sure she wi | ||||
I've loved these kitties since I was a little bitty girl (b 1948) and have bought several books from eBay. However, you've added much more info than I the other books & magazine articles & Harry Whittier Frees' bio, of which I was unaware...and about Mrs. Bradford. It's great to know there are others who love this man's work! Wish I could have known him. Thank you! | ||||
I am so happy I found this page. I have longed to see these favorite books from my childhood again, but did not know the author. First found Mr. Frees' name on Amazon, then did a Google search. I still love these wonderful books! Thank you so much for sharing your collection. |
I bought Four Little Kittens on Ebay and I am so happy with the book! Just amazing! | ||||
I found your site through a search on the "Four Little Kittens" book.....thanks for posting Frees's adorable animal photos! | ||||
What a lovely website. I stummbled upon your page quite by mistake and find it absolutely charming. The internet is chock full of trash and this is the exact opposite is a great treat. Thank you. | ||||
Hello there! Just wanted to drop in and thank you for sharing all your collected Harry Whittier Frees information, and your passion for his work :) I'm also a collector, and recently acquired a copy of "Little Folks of Animal Land", which is now a prize possession of mine, and I flip through it daily...glad to find somebody else who treasures the whimsy and awkward innocence of his work. Cheers. | ||||
I was looking for the Book with Suzz, Buzz Fuzz and Agamemnon in it which my Grandmother read to me in the 1940s | ||||
Hi, I stumbled across your site when I was lloking up God and what he says about animals. I have a website that was first about selling flowers and floral gifts then I added greeting cards of my animals that I have and wildlife. My passion is to rescue anything that needs a home. We have 12 acres and the sales from my site go towards care for animals. I also educate on my site the horrors that animals face. I am doing a lot of letter writing to senators, govenors and trying to get stiffer laws. I send letter s to everyone in the phone book onhow they can help. Please visit my site and let me know what you think. Keep in touch we have the same goal. Jane Ontario, NY |
i love little borned dogs!they are so cute.please take care of the dogs and cats,i love them to!i have 3 cats and 5 dogs! | ||||
i love little baby dogs so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I am obsessed with Harry Whittier Frees' heartbreakingly beautiful animal photographs. Thank you for honoring him and his work! | ||||
Wonderful site! I hope to someday see the lion lying down with the lamb in that glorious Kingdom on high | ||||
I'm from Holland. When I was 9/10 years old we learned "one more river". We learned songs in different languages.Also French and German. As a child I liked this song very much. I'm 54 now. | ||||
Found your site via links at What patience Mr. Frees must have had. |
I was happy to see all of your Harry Frees books. I just got one this morning that's not on your site: The Little Kittens' Mother Goose Rhymes' (Rand McNally, 1942).
Alas, its missing its cover... Have fun, David |
i found your site through the louis wain yahoo group and i'm touched by the life of harry w. frees. i had never heard of him until now.his photos are awesome. i appreciate your tribute to him thank you for the enlightenment. | ||||
I have loved the work of Mr. Frees since I was a child; if anything, I have a greater appreciation for it now. Thank you for maintaining this tribute to him and all his gorgeous furry models. | ||||
I found this website from"a cats christmas tail". Am doing on Molly Brett and came accross mr.Frees name and looking realized that I have the 4 kitten book. I am a big animal lover. thankes,M. graves | ||||
My husband gave me The Four Little Kittens for an anniversary present, and I am so excited and enchanted. This man was wonderful. | ||||
Very nice site. |
This is a great site. I've been collecting later versions of these books (1930s and 1950s). Most are battered and much used a testament to their popularity with the children who owned them. I was curious if anyone else was interested in these witty books. | ||||
I found this website through a Google search for Harry Whittier Frees. Excellent website - every page is terrific! | ||||
I remembered books with pictures photographed by Mr. Frees from my childhood. I adored those books and recently had the pleasure of coming across one in great condition but the owner does not want to sell it. The website is really good and I was thrilled to find it. A friend found the site for me. She teaches computer classes so she did the research for me. I am so very happy to see the Frees pictures again. | ||||
I love this photography of small animals. Mr. Frees must have been good to his models because none of them look like they are distressed. I remember buying greeting cards with his photos on them. Now I can't find them anymore. | ||||
I recently rediscovered our book of The Little Kittens. I think it may have belonged to my Mother as a child who passed it along to us as kids. Those photos just melt your heart and I started doing a little online research about Harry Whitter Frees. I was surprised to learn he was born in Reading, PA and lived in Oaks, PA, since I live and grew up in Lititz, PA. I'm really enjoying these pictures on your website. I didn't know he produced so much adorable work. Thanks for posting it. | ||||
What a fabulous site!! Greetings from Boston! | ||||
Thanks so very much for such a wonderful website! The pictures are touching and so charming! I have read with interest! |
You are proof that God does indeed have Angels here on earth. Thank You so much for such a lovely tribute to Mr. Frees. The power is in sharing with others and you do it well. : D I hope to one day "own" and share some of those awesome postcards and books by Mr. Frees. I'm an animal Lover and photograher so I'm glad to have learned that they were treating kindly during the photo shoots. I can barely get my one dog to sit still long enough to at least get her in focus! Woof! Love your Pinky page. Meow. Sonia | ||||
Google search. Wonderful! | ||||
Hello. I enjoyed your website. I,too, am a novice collector of Harry Whittier Frees books and postcards (though not as extensive as your collection). They were my favorites as a child. Keep up the good work! Regards, Karen |
nice site, just found it web-surfing |
I saw your work on an old email from Neatorama and looked to see more delightful fuzzybuttz than I could imagine. The best smiles are due to animals, and especially from a cat! Thanks! | ||||
I LOVE IT! I recently found a postcard (Protesting Pups) at my local flee market and it is so precious. Two little pups dressed in checkered pajamas with picketing
signs that read "We Want More Bones" and "We Want More Meat." I gave it to a friend who I knew would appreciate it even more than I. She then googled Harry Frees and WA-LA your website. Thanks for your informitive website! |
I was looking up scriptures concerning God's care of animals and came across your web site. Thank you very much! | ||||
Hello! Your site is amazing and soooo informative. I have been searching everywhere for information on books with photos by Harry W. Frees, since i would like to use the books on my website, Bunny Ears TV ( Of course it has not been easy to find any of the old publishers.....Do you have any information on how to contact Anne R. Bradford? Im thinking that she may have an idea about copyright issues, since she has gone through some of these issues in order to publish her books. Thanks again for a wonderful site. all the best, Judy Blumstock |
I have a copy of the animal mother goose and was trying to find some's in excellent condition. any idea of it's worth? I like your website, very colorful and fun. | ||||
Hello, Would you like to provide a link exchange with the website http://Cdog-cancer-c3s4.cfm? Regards, Tara |
What wonderful pictures and magnificent ideas! | ||||
Hi, You might be interested to know (if you don't already) that Frees did at least four books in the Sandman series: Animal, Kittycat, Bunny, and Puppy Stories. The copy I have of Animal Stories is all b/w except the frontispiece which looks hand-tinted. |
I found your website by serendipity, looking for the lyrics to "One More River" for a forthcoming music book. Your website is fascinating and charming. I am not normally one who likes things that are "cute," but the Harry Whittier Frees pictures are fabulous (a new discovery for me. Thanks for the enjoyment!! | ||||
I'm so glad to have found you! I remember reading Harry W. Frees' books as a very small child and came across a book in a local store last night. This will probably
become an obsession...;) |
Greetings from Mississippi. Thank you so much for the information and photographs of Harry Whittier Frees! I had the pleasure of discovering his work as a child and still dearly love it. It was a Google search of his name that led me here to you. Also,I enjoyed VERY much the page on the Lord caring about animals. Thank You so much for these! | ||||
I enjoyed visiting your site. I stumbled upon this site while looking for a missing cover for my special Harry Whittier Frees book. I have a 1935 copy of a compilation of all three stories, Four Little Kitties, Four Little Puppies and Four Little Bunnies all in one book. It's very old and tattered and missing it's cover. All the more interesting if you ask me. I'd like to find the cover if it's out there somewhere. | ||||
What a wonderful nostalgic trip, Thank you. We have Animal Land on the Air and it was mine as a young girl. 1929 ed. | ||||
Really enjoyed your information and found your homepage very informative!!! Glad you directed me to it. As a former bookseller (out/of/print), had collectors for his Elf books as well as others publications. Will certainly let you know when his photos (books or pcs) come my way. Thanks, again, Alice | ||||
I have one titled "More About the Four Little Kittens" that features his work. I found your website through "StumbleUpon" | ||||
I found your website looking up Harry Whitter Frees. I bought the book "Whiskers" at an antique shop this summer and just love it! The photos are incredible. Thanks for writing about Frees. He's a facinating person. |
Nice story about Free's work, Thank you. | ||||
My wife has an original copy of "Four Little Bunnies" that her mother had when she was little. We were wondering if it was worth anything so I looked up Mr. Frees. Let us know. He seemed to be an amazing photographer. Thank you. | ||||
I have been trying to find these books from my childhood for decades. Thank you! | ||||
Thank you so much for all the research you accomplished. I am a librarian at New York Public Library. Your website answered our concerned Mother's questions to her satisfaction. There will be one more happy child reading and enjoying Mr. Frees' work on Christmas Day. |
I have really enjoyed it, thanks | ||||
Hey, great site! |
I have been looking for people who will help write letters speaking out against the seal hunt that is taking place in Canada right now. I don't know how I hit on your webpage, but you sound like someone who would be willing to help. If you are PLEASE email me. I can give you links and tell you who to write to help stop this unspeakable cruelty. Please help! Jane | ||||
this is cute, need more funny animal pics! | ||||
Just another question about an item in you collection. Could you tell me the dimensions of the Utica Sheet Restful Sleep book? My husband and I have been digging through all kinds of paper items at antique stores and flea markets looking for it, and we thought it might help it we knew what size the booklet was. Thanks again for your help! | ||||
I am quite jealous of your book collection. I have "The Little Kittens Nursery Rhymes" with the white cover. Are the contents of the one with the red cover different? If so, I guess I'll have to try and find that one, too! | ||||
I am delighted to have found the wonderful website by pinx! I love the work of Harry Frees and am happy to be able to look at the darling photographs and compare collections. Thank you and keep up the excellent work. |
thanks SO MUCH for the info on harry frees. i have several rotograph postcards that i cherish and have wondered for years who took them. one features "rags" by name and now i know who took the photo and who owned and loved rags. i'm so happy to have found your site! found you through ebay auction. | ||||
I like your website. I am trying to purchase replica books of Mr. Frees; Kitten, Puppies, and Bunnies. Would you know how I can contact a vendor or publisher of these
books? Thank you, laurinbugs |
I found your site simply by searching for "Harry Frees", after having found some of his old photos. | ||||
I was very much not a cat person, until my daughter brought home a shy, one-eyed, rescued cat from the vet. One-eyed Jack turned out to be Jackie. She is now my cat, and I love her dearly. She has made it possible for me to enjoy the cat pictures on your website. | ||||
Its' darling - I can't wait to put Summer Angel and Buffy's pictures in your website! Love, traci | ||||
How neat -- was he a relative?? I had four of his cards listed today. Enjoyed your web page. |
Elizabeth, Hope you enjoyed the show. Went to your website while entering info in my email address for TMC. When I find it, will send you a picture of my cat. Ron |
Hi Elizabeth, I just love looking at your website!!!! Thanks |
liz, how are you? i have not spoken to you in such a long time. we definitely need to catch up. i LOVE your websit? are all the cats yours? i remember pinky, how old is she now? are you still with the state? |
Cathy and I love your website. You are very creative, just like your mom. We hope to meet you sometime. God bless and keep you. Doug and Cathy Crites |
Hi Elizabeth, Nice website! Nico |
Elizabeth, Your Dad told me you were building this site. It's very good so far. I will send you some of my cat pictures soon. Also, my shop cat, Marmalade, has opened his own boutique. He's selling cat buttons & appliques, cat quilting books, and cat socks & handbags. These are not available on my web site yet, but soon Marmalade will have his own section on my shop web site. When you get a chance, visit my site (address above). Marmalade is on the opening page. Best of luck, Deb Gardner |
My daughter stuck in the address at the bottom of an e-mail. | ||||
Enjoyed it very much.Never knew the history of the post-cards I have. | ||||
hey elizabeth, thank u so much for putting lil bit on the site! im showing it to every1 at school right now ( im on a school computer im in typing class) great site! | ||||
Hi Elizabeth, long time no hear from. Love these pictures. We'll have to send you some. Mary gave me your address. | ||||
Great website!!!! Thanks for turning me on to Harry..... I'll have to check out more of his work !!!!! He put a smile on my face!!!! |
very nice site, and cute kitty pics also. cant wait for more cool pics of all the animals. |